
  1. The Women Series: Painful Periods

    “Ah don’t be whinging everyone gets period pain, you can’t be that bad, they’re normal, you’ll be grand!” Nope, I need to emphasise period pain and heavy periods which affect your quality of life every month are common, not normal!! So why do I have pain and my friend Sarah fly’s through her period with no effect on life whatsoever...
  2. The Women Series: The Menstrual Cycle

    You get your periods, sit at home eating icecream on the couch, hot water bottle on the belly eating paracetamol and feeling sorry for yourself, then these few days pass and all of a sudden you’re the life and soul of the party oozing in sex appeal and confidence, full of energy and lust for life and any man that...
  3. 10 Tips To Help With Sleep

    Me all day “Oh I can’t wait to go home and go to bed and sleep. Me at night “Is the earth really round?” Sound familiar? The importance of sleep is really understated and a lot of people are struggling in that department unaware of the knock-on effect on their health. The body repairs itself at night. In particular, the...
  4. New Year, New Me!

     Like something out of a fairy-tale, the clock strikes midnight on the 31st of December every year, the high heels are replaced by a nice pair of fresh Nikes and we all wake up as this immaculately clean eating, gym going, money saving, positive living version of ourselves. Boxes of celebrations are replaced with carrot sticks, wine replaced by green...
  5. Echinacea

    What is Echinacea? Echinacea has become a popular herbal remedy over the years. It is the name of a group of flowering plants in the daisy family, native to North America where they grow in open wooded areas. The plant’s upper and lower parts are used and made into tablets, tinctures and teas for a variety of ailments such as...
  6. Vitamin D for Mood

    Vitamin D for Improving Your Mood What is Vitamin D?             Vitamin D is a vitamin but also a steroid hormone, that is needed by the body for many things. It is found in small amounts of foods but is mostly synthesised by our body when skin comes in contact with the sun. As we all know sun does not...
  7. Back To School

    Back to School Support The long-anticipated time has come, the kids going back to school, and with that comes most parents panic of how to boost their child’s immune systems and/or concentration levels to prepare for the year ahead. This year has added immune support panic among most parents with the current situation we are in. The right supplements can...
  8. Probiotics and the Immune System

    What Are Probiotics? ​The term probiotics comes from the greek “for life”. They are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for us, especially our digestive and immune systems. As we are in a day and age of the overuse of antibiotics which kill bad but unfortunately also good bacteria it is important for us to know about probiotics and probiotic supplements and what our good bacteria does for...
  9. Vitamins For Hair

    Nutrition for Hair Thinning hair, poor hair growth, weak hair, male pattern balding or alopecia are all big concerns for women and men worldwide. It is important to address the root cause of these problems in order to see results and to find the best hair vitamins for you. What Causes Thinning Hair and Hair loss?             The hair is...
  10. Pregnancy Supplements

    Pregnancy Vitamins How Important is it for me to supplement when pregnant?             From the time of conception, supplementation of certain nutrients is recommended for the growth and development of a healthy baby. Some of these nutrients are well known, for example, folic acid for the prevention of spina bifida, however some nutrients aren’t as commonly known and can be...

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